First National Financial LP®
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Grow your business confidently

Fast access to information matters for fast approvals. And we know that providing quality information quickly is a crucial part of helping you be your best. MERLIN®, our online portal for brokers, gives you access to your deals anytime, anywhere – from your computer or by downloading and using the mobile app on your device.

Manage your deals more efficiently with MERLIN®

  • 24/7 access gives you immediate availability to the information that you need for quick client response.
  • Review outstanding conditions at any point in the process.
  • Print or email your commitments without having to contact your First National account team.
  • Sort deals by date, status or name to find what you need right away.
  • Contact your Underwriter or Fulfillment Specialist right in the tool.
  • Know instantly when you’ve received your commissions.

Grow your business confidently

With real-time visibility into your deals and control over all aspects of a deal, you can spend less time on process and more time on client service.

Merlin enables you to access the information that you need, when you need it, so clients never wait for answers and come to rely on you for fast approvals. As a result, you can grow your business confidently and always be your best.


Resources & insights

Original perspectives and personal viewpoints on developments and industry trends.