Why invest in First National?
A strong dividend track record
Since First National became TSX-listed in 2006, we have made it our business to create value for shareholders through rising dividend payments.
Size and presence
Competitive advantages
Dividend growth
Conservative portfolio
Proven, flexible funding
Experienced leadership
There are three ways to invest with us
Our common shares
Our preferred shares
Our corporate bonds
Forward-looking information
This site may contain forward-looking information – often denoted by words such as “believe, should, could, may or plan” or other such qualifiers – that is subject to risks and uncertainties. This forward-looking information should not be read as providing guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be an accurate indication of whether or not, or the times by which, those results will be achieved. Please review First National’s filings with securities administrators for insights into our Risks and Uncertainties.
First National listed on the TSX in 2006 and is known for consistent profitability and effective risk management.