First National Financial LP®

Your guide to rental rate increases

MLI Select Affordability – Consumer Price Index Rate (CPI)

The MLI Select program from CMHC has been the catalyst for the construction and preservation of affordable rental housing units in every market across Canada since its introduction in 2022. 

If you qualified your rental units as affordable to obtain financing under the program, CMHC requires you to maintain affordability for a minimum of 10 years, or longer if specified.

What does that mean in practice? It depends on where your property is located. In provinces with rent control, increases on designated affordable units must conform to provincial rent control guidelines. In regions without rent control, designated affordable units are subject to a percentage increase cap equal to the 12-month annual CPI in that region for the period ending September of the prior year.

Please see the table below for a handy reference guide on allowable rental increases in your region.

Province 2025 20242023
*CPI Increase
**Provincial guideline increase

For non-profit co-operatives (co-op) housing, provided the unit is rented to a member of the co-op, the maximum allowable rental rate increase is subject to prevailing co-operative legislation in that region
Alberta 11.20%*8.30%*3.60%*
British Columbia 3.00%**3.50%**2.0%**
Manitoba 1.70%**3.00%**0.00%**
New Brunswick 3.00%**8.10%*6.10%*
Newfoundland 4.90%*11.30%*2.50%*
Nova Scotia 5.00%**5.00%**2.00%**
Ontario 2.50% for units occupied before November 15th, 2018

7.20%* for units occupied for the first time after November 15th, 2018
2.50% for units occupied before November 15th, 2018

6.10%* for units occupied for the first time after November 15th, 2018
2.50% for units occupied before November 15th, 2018

5.40%* for units occupied for the first time after November 15th, 2018
P.E.I. 2.30%**3.00%**0.00%**
Quebec 8.40%*

Note: Tribunal administratif du logement calculation may permit otherwise, supporting Tribunal confirmation of accepted rate required. (Tribunal administratif du logement (

Note: Tribunal administratif du logement calculation may permit otherwise, supporting Tribunal confirmation of accepted rate required. (Tribunal administratif du logement (

Note: Tribunal administratif du logement calculation may permit otherwise, supporting Tribunal confirmation of accepted rate required. (Tribunal administratif du logement (
Saskatchewan 7.40%*3.10%*4.20% *

For more information reach out to our First National Commercial Servicing team.